Monday, June 20, 2011

September 1, 2010

Dear Diary,

It's been over a year and a half since I was let go from the worst job of my life. I am grateful that I am no longer selling "temporary staffing solutions" at ungodly markups in excess of 100% . I'm grateful that I'm not screwing anyone over and I can sleep at night. I'm grateful that I no longer have anxiety attacks sitting on 315North trying to get to daycare to pick up Peach Puff before they start charging $3/minute for being late. I'm grateful that my crappy-ass boss isn't pushing my buttons anymore. Thank you, God for answering part of my prayers! I'm still wondering when the other half will be answered.

Our savings account is dwindling. The economy isn't looking any better than it did when I lost my job. And, despite the hundreds of applications and cover letters that I've sent, the phone isn't ringing.

Rich is getting nervous about the finances and we've joked that I should get a job delivering pizza! Ha! Can you imagine me delivering pizza? I'm pushing 40... who goes from corporate America to delivering pizza at 40?

Please keep me in your prayers!

Thank you, dear diary!

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