Monday, June 20, 2011

September 10, 2010

Dear Diary,

I wish I could get paid for looking for a job. I'm putting in as many, if not more hours than a full time employee. I think I've applied for anything and everything under the sun that I am remotely qualified for. I now have at least 12 version of my resume. Let's see, there's one for admin/secretarial, one for medical office manager, one for staffing and recruiting, one for retail, one for marketing, one for brand management, one for project management, one for tech, one for home health, one for PR, one for event planning, one for... hmm I guess that's only 11. Anyhow, I've been getting a lot of form letters back with snarky and contradictory messages like "we're so fortunate that these uncertain economic conditions have provided us with too many well qualified candidates" and "your qualifications are outstanding, but we think you'll get bored in a position like this" and ironically both pre-conceived judgments concluded with, "Best of luck in your job search." No joke! And if that wasn't depressing....

I've officially sunk to a new all-time low. I just filled out that stupid pizza-joint application that Rich brought home on Tuesday. Apparently, you don't need a resume to work in a pizza establishment. I'm literally sick to my stomach thinking about delivering pizza. I can't imagine what the neighbors will think... OMG, what will my parents think if I start delivering pizza at 40?!?!

OK, OK. I know I'm not supposed to care what other people think, but honestly, I'm so disheartened to think that my sweet little peach puff may one day have aspirations to grow up and deliver pizza just like her mommie. (delete, un-create, and destroy that last thought!)

This is not the position I wanted to be in!! This is NOT the example that I expected to be setting for her when I first looked into those sweet, dark chocolate eyes four years ago.

You know.... maybe, just maybe a well-crafted resume could work in my favor with the pizza gig... "sorry, you're over-qualified" ... or should I just complete the application without any spelling errors?

Egocentrically yours,

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