Tuesday, June 21, 2011

September 19, 2011

Dear Diary,

Today was officially my first day as a Pizza Slut and boy was that fun! NOT!

Lots of paperwork and then I learned how to fold boxes. Lots of boxes. A lot of boxes. And then a few more boxes for good measure. Over 250 to be exact (well, almost exact)!

I had to wear a "car topper" on the car. This is of course free advertising for the pizza shop and turns out to be a great way to scratch and dent the top of my personal vehicle. It's like a scarlet letter, only worse. As I drive around town the whole city gets to see me coming or going with hot pizza and a wad of cash. Drivers only carry $20, my ass! I delivered 7 large pizzas to OSU tailgate party...the bill was over $100 and they paid cash. Glad I only had one delivery on that run.

And, I'm so glad that I'm working during the day! Finding addresses was a bit of a challenge today. Not all houses or mail boxes are marked with the house number so it's a bit of a game. And even the ones that do have numbers aren't always easy to see from the car.

CUSTOMER TIP: If you're going to order pizza and you'd like it delivered as quickly as possible, make it easy to find your address by actually having an address on your house, or your mail box, or your curb or better yet, in all three locations! Um, this might also be helpful in the event that you need the police or fire department to show up. Just sayin'!

And apartment complexes? OMG they are the worst ... some of the streets aren't even marked. Fortunately I only went to one wrong address. Technically it was the right address but I was on the wrong street or was it road? Weybridge. I didn't even know there was a Weybridge Street and a Weybridge Road and a Weybridge Road North and a Weybridge Road South and a Weybridge Road East and a Weybridge Road West. I'd like to meet the genius that planned that apartment community!

DRIVER TIP: If the address is even, the house will be on the east or north side of the street. If the address is odd, the house is on the west or south side of the street.

OK, I think I'll call it a day.

Your Pizza Slut

PS - You know that delivery fee? Yah, that goes to the store not the drivers. :(

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