Monday, June 20, 2011

September 11, 2010

Dear Diary,

Today I sit with tears in my eyes and a heaviness in my heart. It's the anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Nine years have passed and to me, it just seems like scary movie that we saw at the second-run, dollar theater. Despite the fact that it's probably the scariest thing that has happened in my lifetime, it's still not real to me. I'm sure most people know exactly where they were when the day's events unfolded. Fortunately, I couldn't tell you a single detail of where I was or what I was doing on that day other than I was completely starry-eyed, in love, on my honeymoon somewhere on the Colorado River somewhere in the Grand Canyon completely oblivious to everything but Rich. We were so blessed to remain untouched by those tragic events.

Tomorrow, is a new day... I will dry my eyes and I will put on a brave face and I will give thanks for the interview at the pizza shop.

Humbly yours,

PS - what the heck do you wear to a pizza interview?!!

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